Sxcoal Issue 28# | China steel industry opportunities & challenges in joining national carbon market
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On September 9, the General Office of China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a letter soliciting opinions on the "Work Plan for Including Cement, Steel, and Electrolytic Aluminum Industries in the National Carbon Emissions Trading Market (Draft for Comments)".
The Work Plan specifies that 2024 will be the first control year for the cement, steel, and electrolytic aluminum industries, with the first compliance work to be completed by the end of 2025.
In light of the steel industry’s inclusion in the national carbon market, we are pleased to share the key insights from our special report "Steel Industry: Opportunities and Challenges in Joining the National Carbon Market".
This report includes:
- China’s crude steel output forecast by type under three carbon scenarios;
- Energy consumption and carbon emissions of China’s steel industry;
- Key emission reduction paths for China’s steel industry under different scenarios;
- Forecast of carbon sinks in the steel industry;
- 2060 energy flow chart for the steel industry;
- China’s carbon prices;
- Allowance surplus/deficit estimation post-steel industry inclusion in the carbon market
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